Ron Paul’s Presidential Bike Race 2012

In last night’s Republican Presidential Debate, Ron Paul was asked “Are you prepared too release your medical records (Congressman Paul chuckles) so voters out there know what your health is?”

Congressman Paul’s response: (Chuckling) “Obviously, because it’s about one page, if even that long. And I am willing to challenge any of these gentlemen up here to a 25 mile bike ride anytime of the day, in the heat of Texas.” (The audience erupted with laughter and applause)

With a smile Congressman Paul goes on to say: “And you know, that subject has come up, sometimes in fun, and sometimes not in fun, but you know there are laws against age discrimination, so if you push this to much, you better be careful…..”

Ron’s quick witted humor was well received by all.

The Republican Presidential Nomination is a marathon, not a sprint. So, if the Republican Presidential Nomination was a 25 mile bike race, what would be the outcome? My prediction is…Ron Paul pounds out a victorious 1st place, showing leadership right from the gates. Rick Santorum slides in a sloppy second place. Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney finish days behind due to childlike bickering over who would wear the shirt “What Kind Of Man…” Both agreeing to share the title, but not the shirt.

So, I think we get this party started. Let’s do this 25 mile bike ride with Ron Paul and his supporters in Texas. Obviously, Congressman Paul would be ready to go at the drop of a hat, the other candidates may need some time to get their personal affairs in order, i.e. purchasing a bike and some equipment etc etc. Perhaps post April 16th would be more timely, given at least one the candidates is needing to closely focus on his taxes.

Carl B Taylor

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