
Bringing Scientific Study To Utah’s Wood Duck Population


Of all the different species of waterfowl that either migrate through or are resident of Utah’s wetlands, the Wood Duck of North America is among the most magnificent in appearance and the most remarkable in behavior.  Wood ducks are a cavity nester and with the high water and flooding in the 80’s wiping out many of the riparian areas along throughout Utah’s waterways, the nesting resources necessary for them to prevail were destroyed and the wood duck population was on a steady decline.  After a decade of dedication and study, I have been able to network a team of individuals dedicated to the study of  Utah’s wood duck population.  This team is made up off Wildlife Biologists, State WMA Managers, USU Wild Life Society students, private land owners and other waterfowl enthusiast.  The efforts of this team span from all four borders of the state, even into Idaho and Nevada.  The dedicated enthusiasm of these individuals has will no doubt bring the once struggling wood duck population of Utah back to a recognizable population.

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Utah’s First Banded Wood Duck Under WOW Study


With the research team in place behind the Wild Over Wood Ducks (WOW) program, in the spring of 2010 nesting wood ducks would undergo intensive study to help biologists understand the behavior of this struggling population.  Wood ducks are a cavity nester, leaving them extremely susceptible to predation, destroying their nest, even resulting in death to the hen in many instances.  As a part of the WOW nesting program, artificial nesting cavities are placed on poles in suitable location.  These boxes places on poles restrict access of predators, allowing for nesting success to range over 80%.  In many cases these boxes will be use multiple times in a season.  Banding of these birds will provide tractable usages both short and long term.

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The Utah Waterfowl Alliance

In the Spring of 2009, the need for an organized effort where bye Utah’s waterfowl enthusiast could unite as a collective voice in support of a future for waterfowl.  The incomparable beauty of Utah’s wetlands and it’s associated wildlife are being faced with a myriad of challenges like no other time in history.  Today, these wetlands need the support of all waterfowl enthusiast, both hunter and non-hunter.  Within this organization there are many programs that work with and support a hands-on opportunity such as nesting projects, wood duck box placement and monitoring, goose nest placement, Phragmite eradication, banding projects, all of which focus on youth involvement.

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Working Closely With Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

Every year, Utah’s Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) promotes a hands on opportuntiy for individuals to experience a hands-on wild goose chase.  Canada geese having entered their molt (flightless stage having lost primary wing feathers) become flightless for a brief period, allowing biologist to tag and mark these birds for study and monitoring of the population through their migration.  During this two week adventure, some 3000 geese will be fitted with a individual leg band which will provide this information when these birds are collected either through hunter harvest or a re-trap.  Volunteers can become involved working with these biologist an a variety of ways, all of which prove to be quite entertaining and very useful to the program and its coordinators.  Many of these projects take place in urban environment making it that much more attractive and accessible.

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